Friday, October 23, 2009

Starting of a new Adventure ? LoL

What does this button do? Oh well, Hi ! Hello there, welcome to my 1st entry for teh blog, for what it worth. What inspired me to start blogging you may ask? Well, lately there's a hole in my heart for some not so good reason and here I m doing stuffs that which I usually don't. Such like playing chess, jogging, wandering around thinking about stuffs, as long it's about making myself busy.
I have been writing journals for like the past month. Yes, A freaking journal, not a little tiny diary but a journal. Since I m writing a journal, why not blog it ? Other than that, I also ranted and QQed in my journal, so I gonna have fun QQing and ranting in my blog too !

Ok...What's next ? Right, some intro about myself of course. I m currently a 21 years old male University student. Ok, that should be suffice for the intro no ? Online privacy lulz.

I don't know what has gone wrong in my brain lately. Having trouble sleeping in the night and constantly waking up is like new to me. Could it be stress or like some emotional problem I having? I m certain it is not stress cause I m like 100 % stress free seriously, like I ever study for my exams, "Grades don't really show how good you are, it only shows how good are in answering in exam" Thanks to the Malaysian education system. "At the end of the day, your good in theory, but you suck in practical and your ethics failed (oh wait, that doesn't make you good in theory,it makes you suck even further)." Yea, I guess it must been very professional to be good in exams by constantly practicing but yet failed to understand the core meaning why are you actually studying that particular course. Malaysian engineers contains only 5 % professionality when they are compared with others around the world (hell,doctors in Malaysia receive bribes too), I can particularly see why in my university life where students are fixed to their mindset of memorizing every theory,law and principle they see in the 500 page book and doing every freaking questions in the book. Congrats, you scored 4 flat, now that you have graduated with a sandpaper(your degree), you can continue be the failed douchebag your destined to become unless you manage to like save yourself from the doom that the education system had doomed it onto you.

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